Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Friends,

Today has been the beginning of a week sure to be filled with joyous gallivanting and cavorting, amongst other things.

This lovely Saturday:

1. Marissa's sweet mother was kind enough to take me to the airport at 8:30 A.M. (no small feat!).

2. I was witness to an aging metal/punk/mystery rock band at the MPLS/St. Paul airport. I couldn't tell if I was supposed to think they were famous or not... They looked to be well into their 40s, but were decked out in flashy leopard-print scarves, serious business leather boots, denim vests, and some ultra sexy tight pants. They also were sporting beautiful 80s mullets and bandannas. I couldn't stop swooning!

3. Seeing my family was (of course) wonderful. I have yet to see my mom (I will see her in the morning and we will dine at Lucille's-a fantastic n'awlins restaurant...endlessly delicious!).

4. Ruth + Anna + Braden + The Bean Cycle = Much Happy. (Ruth and I have already begun making a very large list of summer activites. I will scan this soon and post it for you all to decipher.)

5. Pad Thai!!! So good. I even got to de-poop a bunch of shrimp!

6. Pride & Prejudice with Anna. I cried at the end! I couldn't believe it! I never cry in romantic movies, and I've even seen this before. I must be sick. LOVE SICK. Oh, tee hee!

This is me in my room!

Reunited at last. I will never leave you again, sweet raccoon.


So, more to come. I miss all of you that I've left, and I can't wait to see those of you who are here.


Sara and/or Fowler


Sarah Julson said...

Solid post, ma dear.

We will be sure to get some P&P muzik to you ASAP!

Vvinni J. Gagnepain said...

Lucille's is a very delicious place.

Marissa Lundin said...

I hope that hat never again leaves your head!!!

Did you get the band's autograph?! hehe!