Dear Friends,
I apologize for two posts in one day, but this post is of the utmost importance.
Katelyn, and I went to see Blitzen Trapper at First Ave.
I thought I would have so much more to say about this, but for now, let me tell you, it was probably one of the best shows I've ever been to! It also contained the most belligerent drunks I've ever encountered at a show... but that's not the point.
My ears are still ringing, marvelously.
I have a headache, though it was 50x more than worth it.
Marissa and I counted 12 beards, 5 of them belonging to members of Blitzen Trapper.
(The drummer, who I need to look up [he is amazing], had the most glorious beard of the night.)
I'm sure there were tons more beards, but we were so wrapped up in the amazingness of tonight that we didn't really notice. Can you believe it?
Marissa and I just made a large amount of zines. At the concert, we decided we wanted very badly to give Blitzen Trapper one of them. Sadly, we had none. Heroically, Katelyn pulled her copy which we had given her earlier in the day out of her pocket, and lo! we had a zine! Marissa and I then proceeded to put the zine on the stage, where we think the blonde guitarist saw it. Cross your fingers in hopes that they got it!! It will make their night. After all, who doesn't love a collection of beardly viking poems!?
P.S. If you want a zine, let me know and I will send one on your way, sealed with a kiss and a hug, and a bug.